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Gippsland Family Violence Alliance
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Family Violence Information Sharing Scheme Ministerial Guidelines

The Family Violence Protection Act (FVPA) Part 5A, allows for Information Sharing Entities (ISE’s) to request, collect, use and disclose information for a family violence protection purpose (managing risk), once risk has been established (FVISS Ministerial Guidelines, 41).

Sharing of information is required, provided that:

  • Information is not excluded
  • Applicable consent requirements have been met.


ISE’s can share, request and collect information for: Family violence protection purposes. As defined in Section 144A of the FVPA to mean the purpose of managing a risk of a person committing family violence (including the ongoing assessment of the risk of the person committing family violence) or a person being subjected to family violence (including the ongoing assessment of the risk of the person being subjected to family violence)(FVISS Ministerial Guidelines, 14).

RAE’s can share, request and collect information for: Family Violence Protection and Family Violence Assessment Purposes. As defined in Section 144A of the FVPA to mean the purpose of establishing or assessing the risk of a person committing family violence or a person being subjected to family violence. (FVISS Ministerial Guideline, 14).

Before Utilising this Information Sharing Hub

This form is designed to inform practitioners, what information is available within different agencies.

Not all information will be available or applicable for each client. Practitioners are still expected to understand their own responsibilities under the FVISS scheme, and have completed all necessary training and to follow your home agency policies.

Professional judgement is still necessary and information should be shared under the four guiding principles of the scheme:

  • Safety First:  ISEs should give precedence to ensuring a victim survivor is safe from family violence when considering a perpetrator’s privacy
  • Proportionality: ISEs should only share relevant information to the extent that is necessary to assess and manage family violence risk
  • Collaboration: ISEs should coordinate services for the purpose of risk assessment and risk management in a manner that respects the functions and expertise of each prescribed entity
  • Agency: ISEs should promote the agency of victim survivors by seeking their views and keeping them informed about how their information will be used where it is appropriate, safe and reasonable to do so.

(FVISS Ministerial Guidelines, 10).

You should ensure:

  • You are authorised to share or request information
  • The person/agency you are requesting information from, is who they say they are, from an agency prescribed under the Act
  • Applicable consent requirements have been met.

If you want to check if your organisation is on the prescribed list of Information Sharing Entities, check the ISE List.

Consent and Record Keeping

Family Safety Victoria has created the following documents to assist with consent:

Family Safety Victoria has created the following document to assist with record keeping:

Information Sharing Request- Sample Email

To assist you to complete information sharing requests, we have created a sample email, which you can copy and paste into your email, or saved to your email as a template to use again and again. This will allow you to ensure you are including all the relevant information, to make an information sharing request. The form is interactive, you will be able to tick the relevant boxes and insert information, even if you copy and paste it to an email.

You are encouraged as part of Collaborative Risk Management to talk to your colleagues across the sector. Information can be requested and shared verbally as long as the requirements of the Scheme have been met. (FVISS Guidelines, p20). This will assist with relationship building and safety of clients.

Information Hub

We have compiled the following:

  • – List of services
  • – What information they may hold
  • – Their email information to make an information sharing request
  • – Whether they are an RAE or ISE.

This is a guide only, not all information will be relevant for the purposes of managing risk in your specific circumstances. The purpose is to assist you to make better information sharing requests.


  • V/S- Victim Survivor
  • APUV- Adult person using violence

Available Information: 

  • Risk Assessment V/S
  • Self-Assessed level of risk V/S
  • Safety Plan V/S
  • Risk Assessment APUV
  • Safety Plan APUV
  • Service User History
  • CIP Summary Report

The Orange Door is an RAE 


Inner Gippsland:

Outer Gippsland:


Available Information: 

  • Current and historical use of family violence APUV
  • Intervention Orders APUV
  • Supporting narratives APUV
  • Family violence related charges and outcomes APUV

The magistrate court is an ISE 


Available Information: 

  • Medical records from Victorian Prisons APUV
  • General Primary Health APUV
  • Forensic specialist mental health care APUV
  • Attendance at alcohol and other drug programs APUV

Justice Health is an ISE



Available Information: 

  • Criminal history APUV
  • History of incarceration, including continued use of family violence in prison APUV
  • Current CCO conditions. Contact details of current CV case manager APUV
  • Previous CCO and level of compliance APUV
  • Judges summary APUV
  • COATS Drug and alcohol assessment APUV

Corrections Victoria is an ISE


Available Information: 

  • Observed and recorded family violence
  • DFFH Protection Orders
  • Relevant known trauma history of escalating family violence

Child Protection is an RAE


Available Information: 

  • L17 Reports
  • Supporting narratives
  • Offending history and related charges

Victoria Police is an RAE


Available Information: 

  • Release date APUV
  • Mental health status APUV
  • Medication compliance APUV
  • Current delusions/fixations on the victim and perception on the status of the relationship APUV
  • Observed breaches APUV
  • Planning regarding release APUV

Forensicare is an ISE


Available Information: 

  • Intake assessment and program eligibility APUV
  • Level of program engagement APUV
  • Observed/noted escalation of risk  APUV
  • Continued use of family violence APUV
  • Breaches of family violence intervention orders APUV
  • Breaches of Children’s Court Orders
  • Risk Assessment APUV
  • Safety Plan APUV
  • Service User History
  • CIP Summary Report

Family Contact Programs may hold:

  • Risk Assessment V/S
  • Self-Assessed level of risk V/S
  • Safety Plan V/S

Men’s Programs are RAE’s


Inner Gippsland:

Salvation Army:

Latrobe Community Health Service:



Outer Gippsland: 

Gippsland Lakes Complete Health:

Yoowinna Wurnalung Aboriginal Healing Service:


Available Information: 

  • Risk Assessment V/S
  • Self-Assessed level of risk V/S
  • Safety Plan V/S
  • Service user history V/S
  • Case Summary V/S
  • CIP Summary Reports APUV

Victim/Survivor Case Management are RAE’s 


Inner Gippsland: 

Salvation Army:

Quantum Support Services:


Outer Gippsland: 

Quantum Support Services:

Gippsland Lakes Complete Health:


Orbost Regional Health:


Available Information: 

  • Family violence risk relevant information gathered at intake V/S
  • Self assessment of risk V/S
  • Treatment recommendations and funded treatment outcomes APUV
  • Interactions between substance use and offending behavior APUV
  • Observed family violence APUV

Drug and alcohol programs are ISE’s.


Inner Gippsland: 

Latrobe Community Health:

Outer Gippsland:

Gippsland Lakes Complete Health:

Available information: 

  • Strengths, including steps they have taken to keep themself and children safe V/S
  • Self assessment of risk V/S
  • Description of the APUV pattern of behaviour V/S
  • What the Victim/Survivor/s identifies as behaviour that causes them the most risk V/S
  • Release date APUV
  • Mental health status APUV
  • Medication compliance APUV
  • Current delusions fixation on the victim APUV
  • Ongoing use of FV APUV
  • Perception on the status of the relationship APUV
  • Mis-identification

Designated Mental Health Services are ISE’s 

Contact information: 

Latrobe Regional Hospital:

Available Information: 

  • Risk Assessments V/S
  • Self assessment of risk V/S
  • Safety Plans V/S
  • Goals and interventions V/S
  • Previous sexual assault interventions, including child protection and VicPol

Sexual Assault Services are RAE’s. 


Gippsland Center Against Sexual Assault:

Bass Coast Health:

Available Information: 

  • Risk Assessments V/S
  • Self assessment of risk V/S
  • Safety Plans V/S
  • Goals and interventions V/S

Family Violence Therapeutic Interventions are RAE’s.


Inner Gippsland: 

West Gippsland Healthcare Group:

Uniting Vic/Tas:

Bass Coast Health:

Latrobe Community Health Service:

Anglicare Victoria:

Outer Gippsland: 

Anglicare Victoria:

Uniting Vic/

Gippsland Lakes Complete Health:


Available Information:

  • Risk Assessments V/S
  • Self assessment of risk V/S
  • Safety Plans V/S
  • Goals and interventions V/S

Family Services are ISE’s


Inner Gippsland:

Anglicare Victoria:

Uniting Vic/


Berry Street:

Key Assets:

West Gippsland Healthcare Group:

Quantum Support Services:

Outer Gippsland: 

Anglicare Victoria:

Uniting Vic/

Gippsland Lakes Complete Health:

Ramahyuck District Aboriginal Corporation:


Yarram and District Health Service:

Contact Us

The Information Sharing Hub belongs to practitioners. If information is missing, incorrect or needs an update, you are encouraged to let us know.

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