The Gippsland Family Violence Alliance is only one of many Regional Partnerships in Gippsland. We work with and support a number of other Regional Networks, Alliances and Partnerships who are similarly working to support the residents of Gippsland.
The focus of the Gippsland Homelessness Network is to support and advocate for effective service responses, for those seeking homelessness assistance. The GHN is governed by a Steering Committee that determines and oversees the strategic direction of the Network and has a dedicated Co-ordinator auspiced by Quantum Support Services. The Gippsland Homelessness Network works collaboratively to provide support and accommodation to people experiencing or at risk of Homelessness in the Gippsland region. Visit their website to learn more:
Family Services Alliances are a collection of agencies that support children, young people and their families who experience vulnerability and disadvantage in Inner Gippsland to promote and protect children’s rights and improve outcomes of child safety, permanency and healthy development. This includes a focus on empowering children, young people, parents, carers and families to build capacity, knowledge, skills and resilience, as well as building the community’s capacity so children and young people can thrive. In Inner Gippsland, Anglicare facilitate the partnership.
The Outer Gippsland Child and Family Services Alliance exists to drive locally informed, collaborative systems integration and improvements for children and families to live healthy, well connected and safe in community. The Alliance does this through:
- Strong relationships and leadership
- Partnerships and collaborations
- Shared practices and responsibilities
- Innovative models of care
- Influence and advocacy.
The core Alliance membership is made up of DFFH funded Integration Family Services agencies, within the Outer Gippsland (East Gippsland and Wellington) region. This includes DFFH, and specifically Agency Performance and Systems Support (APSS) and Child Protection. In Outer Gippsland Uniting and Gippsland Lakes Complete Health share the facilitation of the partnership.
Dhelk Dja is the key Aboriginal-led Victorian Agreement that commits Aboriginal communities, Aboriginal services and government to work together and to be accountable for ensuring that Aboriginal people, families and communities are stronger, safer, thriving and living free from violence. We have three Local Action Groups in Gippsland. Two in Inner Gippsland and one in Outer Gippsland that works with services, community and government to create a Gippsland free from violence. There is a Dhelk Dja Coordinator in both area’s which is auspiced by the Department of Families Fairness and Housing.