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Gippsland Family Violence Alliance
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Government Departments and Organisations

  • Australian Bureau of Statistics
  • Australian Human Rights Commission
  • Australian Institute of Criminology
  • Australian Institute of Family Studies: Child Family Community Australia
  • Australian Institute of Health and Welfare
  • Australian Law Reform Commission
  • Department of Education and Training
  • Department of Health and Human Services
  • Department of Home Affairs
  • Family Safety Victoria
  • National Disability Insurance Scheme
  • Sexual Offences and Child Abuse Investigation Teams
  • Vic Health
  • Victims of Crime Victoria
  • Victoria Law Reform Commission
  • Victoria Police
  • Victorian Statewide Children’s Resource Program

Alcohol and Drug Services

  • ACSO Connect
  • Alcohol Tobacco and Other Drug Association ACT
  • Direct Line
  • The Eastern Consortium of Alcohol and Drugs Service
  • The Eastern Drug and Alcohol Service
  • Star Health
  • Touchbase
  • Turning Point
  • Eastern Health
  • Victorian Alcohol and Drug Association

Child and Youth Services

  • Australian Childhood Foundation
  • Connexions
  • Child and Youth Mental Health Service
  • Frontyard Youth Services
  • Headspace
  • Kidshelpline
  • MacKillop Family Services
  • Reconnect
  • Salvocare Eastern
  • Whitelion
  • Youth Drugs and Alcohol Advice
  • Youth Support and Advocacy Service
  • Statewide Children’s Resource Program

LGBTIQA Services

  • Another Closett
  • Cobaw Community Health: Way Outt
  • Gay and Lesbian Health Victoriat
  • Pride Vict
  • Q Lifet
  • Queer Spacet
  • Thorne Harbour Healtht
  • Respect

Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence Research and Resources

  • Australian National Research Organisation
  • Australian Institute of Family Studies: Sexual Violence Research
  • Centre for Applied Disability Research
  • Crime Statistics Agency
  • Domestic Violence Resource Centre Victoria
  • Our Watch
  • White Ribbon Australia

Legal Services

  • Eastern Community Legal Centre
  • Law and Advocacy Centre for Women
  • Online Family Intervention Order Application
  • VCAT
  • Victoria Legal Aid
  • Women’s Legal Service Victoria

Health Services

  • Access HC
  • Eastern Health
  • Eastern Melbourne Primary Health Network
  • EACH
  • Eastern Mental Health Service Coordination Alliance
  • Family Planning Victoria
  • Link Health and Community
  • Uniting Wesley

Aboriginal Services

  • Aboriginal Family Support Services
  • Aboriginal Family Violence Prevention and Legal Services Victoria
  • Boorndawan Willam Aboriginal Healing Service
  • Elizabeth Morgan House Aboriginal Women’s Service Inc.
  • Relationships Australia: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Support
  • Victorian Aboriginal Child Care Agency
  • Victorian Aboriginal Community Services Association Ltd.
  • Victorian Aboriginal Legal Services

Disability Services

  • Akira
  • Carers Australia
  • EACH
  • Interchange Outer East
  • Life Without Barriers
  • Meda
  • Scope
  • Uniting Wesley
  • Women with Disabilities Victoria
  • Young Carers Network
  • Youth Central
  • Youth Disability Rights Hub