GFVA Governance Structure

The Executive Team is made up of three members from the Governance Group who oversee finance, the auspice agreement and chairing of the Governance Group meetings.
The Governance Group consists of core members from Specialist Family Violence and Family Services agencies, along with associate members from government agencies. The role of the Governance Group is to oversee the development and implementation of the Strategic Plan and to lead advocacy for the Gippsland Region.
The GFVA Network, consists of members from key community service agencies. The role of the Network is to operationalize the GFVA Strategic Plan and provide system’s knowledge.
The Mental Health and Alcohol and Drug Advisory Committee is facilitated by the Specialist Advisors to Mental Health and AoD. Membership consists of agencies from the AoD and mental health sector. They advise and build practice between the AoD, Mental Health and Family Violence Sector
The Gippsland Behaviour Change Community of Practice consists of members from agencies that support Men and Adolescents who are using violence. The purpose is to build practice, networking and wellbeing opportunities for practitioners.
Practice and Connection Forums are aimed at those working directly with clients, to provide ongoing skills development, wellbeing and being networks within the service system. Each session has a focus area. Click here to register